Unpaved Baroudeuse

1000K - 650K - 317K

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1000K - 650K - 317K


MTB - Gravel

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50 Riders / Distance

La Baroudeuse Unpaved is an ultra-distance self-sufficient mountain cycling adventure in one of the most beautiful regions in Europe. Immersed in nature, you will evolve between tracks, trails and secondary roads. The La Baroudeuse Unpaved adventure is available in 3 distances: 317K for cyclists who want to discover bikepacking and escape for a long weekend, 650K to live a very intense adventure over a few days and finally a long excursion in the heart of the mountains for seasoned cyclists: the Augustus 1000K [test of the rudius challenge].

You will cross the Gorges du Verdon, the Mercantour National Park, the Ecrins National Park, the Baronnies Provençales Natural Park. You will evolve on your MTB or Gravel type bike. The mountains will allow you to travel through varied landscapes of incredible richness through passes recognized and respected by all cyclists. You will evolve through incomparable flora and fauna and breathtaking panoramas.

 »Last ascent before the next one. »

Augustus - 1000K

Departure & arrival in France near Nice in the village of La Turbie

1000K - 25000D + - GPX trace provided - 6 checkpoints - 90% of the time in nature & 10% on secondary roads.
[test of the rudius challenge]

This ultra-distance adventure offers you a course of exceptional beauty through grandiose parks on trails of incredible diversity. You will cross the Gorges du Verdon in its entirety to reach the Lac de Sainte Croix. The loop will continue towards the Lac de Serre Ponçon and its Ecrins which will transport you along majestic rivers and streams. You will then have to go to the Parc du Mercantour via the Tunnel du Parpaillon and then the highest peak in Europe: the Bonette! The dantesque finish between France and Italy will allow you to ride on the clouds at more than 2000m of altitude on almost 100K.

Quintus - 650K

Departure & arrival in France near Nice in the village of La Turbie.

650K - 18000D + - GPX trace provided - 4 checkpoints - 90% of the time in nature & 10% on secondary roads

This ultra distance adventure hike will allow you to experience an adventure completely immersed in nature. It is a compendium of natural resources that will scroll throughout the 650K. You will cross the Verdon park to the Lac de Sainte Croix and then cycle through the heart of the lavender fields of the Valensole plateau. It is then north that you will head to join the Parc des Ecrins and the Lac de Serre Ponçon. A beautiful finish awaits you in the heart of the Mercantour Park with the Parpaillon tunnel and the Col de la Bonnette as the highlights.

Maximus 317K

Departure & arrival in France near Nice in the village of La Turbie.

317K - 8500D + - GPX trace provided - 3 checkpoints - 100% nature

You have the opportunity here to take part in a short and intense adventure. Do not be fooled by the low mileage, it is a demanding course that will transport you to the heart of nature at high altitude on totally magical tracks between France and Italy. The strong point of this course is to allow you to live a real adventure in less than 3 days and to completely disconnect. You can also discover Bikepacking over this distance.

The sports coach

Shop - The Baroudeuse


Frequently Asked Questions

In the south-east of France, in the Alpes Maritimes near Nice in the village overlooking Monaco: La Turbie.

The UNPAVED Baroudeuse is an ultra-distance self-sufficient cycling adventure that takes place 90% of the time in nature on tracks and nature trails and 10% on secondary roads. It is an adventure that takes place in low, medium and high mountains. This hike crosses some of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe! Three routes are offered:

  • Augustus 1000K - 25000D + - GPX track provided - 6 checkpoints - 90% of the time in nature & 10% on secondary roads [test of the rudius challenge]
  • Quintus 650K - 18000D + - GPX track provided - 4 checkpoints - 90% of the time in nature & 10% on secondary roads
  • Maximus 317K - 8500D + - GPX trace provided - 3 checkpoints - 100% natural

Departure & arrival in France near Nice in the village of - (official announcement soon).

No, it is not a race, it is above all an adventure and a personal challenge of ultra cycling in total autonomy. The objective is to finish the event by following a GPX track provided. At the end of the adventure, we will publish a listing of all the finishers. Each finisher will be rewarded with an engraved wooden sword, symbol of freedom of the Gladiators: the Rudius.

The prices are:

€ 251,00: Augustus 1000K - solo | (In duo: 251,00 € / pers.)    [test of the rudius challenge]
€ 189,00: Quintus 650K - solo | (In duo: 189,00 € / pers.)
€ 161,00: Maximus 317K - solo | (In duo: 161,00 € / pers.)

Please note, from January 1 the rates are increased by 20%.


  • The GPX track of your route.
  • Security service: live tracking geolocation during your adventure with a high-precision service. Your loved ones will be able to follow you at any time. (The price includes the rental of the GPS beacon)
  • Insurance security service included: rescue costs | rescue fee | Repatriation assistance | cover in the event of damage caused to a third party | medical, surgical expenses, etc.
  • Meal offered during the welcome party on Saturday 19/07 in the evening with all the riders of La Baroudeuse Organization. [ eve of your departure ]
  • A bottle of Brasserie Gladius 33 cL. *
  • The official La Baroudeuse cap. *
  • A personalized refueling bag. *
  • A Rudius, engraved wooden sword for finishers only, symbol of your success and freedom. *
  • The possibility of sleeping on site the day before your departure. (Equipment required from you: mattress + sleeping bag)

* You will need to be present at briefing and on arrival to receive your endowments. If you had to leave the premises quickly, your endowment and your personal belongings left during your journey can be sent to you at your expense.


No La Baroudeuse clearly does not set up a selection in order to start the elite from the ultra, no this is not our goal, it is expressed in the regulations and on the website.
Seven years of experience now in the organization of La Baroudeuse, so seven years of observation which allowed us to see that the best profiles were not necessarily the best cyclists on our routes. Many turned out to be finishers because they had the skills, the will, the morale that allowed them to go to the end of the Adventure. The ultimate desire to be a finisher without any notion of performance led them to brandish the rudius.
La Baroudeuse is an extreme mountain adventure and even more so when you go up in distance. And the further you go, the more we want to make sure that you don't start by chance.
La Baroudeuse is a path that can also start with short distances that will make your CV of experience for future years. We are not closed!
Moreover, really motivated people do not hesitate to contact us and discuss what clearly proves a mental commitment from the start, well done that's what we are looking for.
We clearly want to pave the way for selection with diverse and varied sporting profiles. As indicated, you do not have to have only experience in cycling since we all have a different journey and in the end a very rich and complementary experience, just put it forward.
It is clear that the way we look at your file will be different if you want to participate in the 317K unpaved - 400K on the road or in the TransAlpes 2850K or 1000K unpaved.
Our goal is not only to look at your physical level but also your reactions to a given situation and also your motivation to want to participate.
People who turn back at the mere fact of being confronted with the registration stage are somewhere not ready for the adventures of La Baroudeuse.
Show us your motivation, enlighten us on your intention and the commitment that drives you to participate.
We want your experience and your investment to be complete. We are not mistaken, believe us because you will clearly live an extraordinary Adventure which will have no equal in Europe.
Let us also add that for us it is a not insignificant pledge of security to want to ensure the experience of our Gladiators in search of their freedom.
Do not hesitate if you need to talk to us.
'' Last ascent before the next. ''
The Baroudeur Team.

You (participating rider) or your Media team can make your adventure public by sharing photos and videos on social networks.

Completely free Media if:

The photos and videos that will be relayed on social networks and in the press before, during and after the event concern the athlete only. Only the athlete can be tagged and named using the "@" and "#". It will be totally excluded to tag Marks that could be assimilated to commercial advertising.

If you do not respect this rule, the athlete will be liable for the media cost that concerns him or he will not be considered a finisher. We will ensure that this rule is respected, a social media team will be dedicated to it.

Purchase of a Media Pack if:

You represent one or more Brands during La Baroudeuse Unpaved. All photos and videos taken, whether they are relayed on social networks during and after the event by "@" and "#" tags, or whether they are part of a collection of images in order to Allowing the production of an advertising film afterwards or otherwise will be considered Commercial Advertising.

If a Media team wishes to follow you in order to promote you and one or more Brand (s) through the event via social networks, film editing or any other press advertising return, we invite you to purchase a Media Pack when you register.

If you do not respect this rule, the athlete will be liable for the media cost that concerns him or he will not be considered a finisher. We will ensure that this rule is respected, a social media team will be dedicated to it.

> media pack cost for a brand (a sponsor): €62
> media pack cost for two brands (two sponsors): €114
> media pack cost for three brands (three sponsors): €155
> media pack cost for four brands and more (four sponsors and more): €206

Yes, you must be equipped with a GPS: the route you have chosen will be sent to you by email in the form of a GPX track to be loaded into your GPS and to follow on the day of departure.

Augustus 1000K •|• Quintus 650K •|• Maximus 317K

  • Saturday July 19 at 9 a.m.: reception of participants in the village of La Turbie.

9 a.m. > 17 p.m.: individual check of mandatory and safety equipment for all riders.
17 p.m. > 18 p.m.: briefing and general instructions on the course.
18:30 p.m.: official distribution of GPS beacons.
19 p.m.: convivial welcome meal with all the riders of La Baroudeuse Organization: Baroudeuse unpaved + Trans Alpes + Gravel Camp.

  • Sunday July 20 at 5 a.m.: departure of all riders.


Reception of arrivals from the different routes from Monday July 21 to Sunday July 27 at 19 p.m.

Augustus 1000K

Checkpoint 1: Moustier Ste Marie (France) km225
Checkpoint 2: Savigne le Lac (France) km472
Checkpoint 3: Col de la Bonette (France) km562
Checkpoint 4: Col de Turini (France) km691
Checkpoint 5: Tende (France) km734
Checkpoint 6: Pigne village (Italy) km908
Arrival: km1000

Quintus 650K 

Checkpoint 1: Moustier Ste Marie (France) km225
Checkpoint 2: Savigne le Lac (France) km388
Checkpoint 3: Col de la Bonette (France) km477
Checkpoint 4: Col de Turini (France) km607
Arrival: km650

Maximus 317K

Checkpoint 1: Col de Turini (France) km50
Checkpoint 2: Tende (France) km94
Checkpoint 3: Pigne village (Italy) km208
Arrival: km317

Yes, you can register as a team of two cyclists. The DUO will have to travel the entire trail together.

The Rudius Challenge concerns the most extreme and versatile Adventurers of ultra-endurance.
Find information about the Rudius Challenge here.

Any participant in the Challenge will receive a registration number that they will keep on each event.

The 29 ”or 27,5” MTB bike is the best machine to participate in the UNPAVED Backpacker. Associated with a suspension or rigid fork, it is then a personal choice of comfort. You can participate with a Gravel bike but the longer the event, the more strained your physique will be over the hours and days in the saddle. Your Gravel must be “Monster cross” type and allow the mounting of tires with a minimum section of 45mm (this is the minimum in order to favor comfort).

In any case, focus on comfort and consider setting off with a gear adapted for the mountain, the paths and taking into account your loaded bike.

As a single chainring, for very good cyclists for example: a 30 (chainring) x 42 see larger (rear cassette). Be careful, you will accumulate several days of driving with a loaded bike and a tired body, nights outdoors. You have to take this aspect into account. Don't compare your winter training gears with an unloaded bike and an isolated outing with no tomorrow with a mountain bikepacking event. A bad gear can ruin your adventure, a good gear and you go around the world!

It is important that you plan the necessary before arriving at the village. You have to be autonomous from the start in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

You will find a “small casino” + 2 bakeries + 2 butchers + many restaurants & a bike shop: VELO BAO

Nice airport is located 25K - 500d + from the host village.

The nearest train station is 8K - 500d + from the host village.

Note that the village is 500m above sea level. You will therefore have a climb to come and a descent for the return.

On request, we can organize ourselves to pick you up & especially your bike!
Do not hesitate to ask us for the booking rates for this service.

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